Get the Skinny on Ant-Man and Avengers 2 Footage from NYCC 2014!


It may still be a bit longer before Johnny Q. Public gets a look at footage from Marvel’s upcoming Ant-Man and Avengers: Age of UltronMovies, but those who attended NYCC 2014 this weekend got a little sneak peek at what was to come. Check out what they thought about the footage that was shown below and sound off with your opinions after the JUMP!

(Source: cinemablend)

There’s an Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer floating around out there. We have known about it since July, when Marvel brought footage from Joss Whedon’s wildly anticipated sequel to Hall H at San Diego Comic-Con. And now, footage screened over the weekend in New York City as part of that city’s Comic-Con presentation. So, what did you miss?

Stitch Kingdom was present for a Marvel Unlimited Plus members-only event, held Sunday at New York Comic-Con. And according to their report, Marvel brought both Ant-Man and Age of Ultron footage to screen for fans. Of the latter, the site described it as “a hilarious scene” involving the different members of the Avengers team trying to lift Thor’s hammer following a battle. The way they lay out the footage, it sounds exactly like the scene that was shown in Hall H. Seeing as how I witnessed that footage, I can chime in that it’s an incredibly entertaining sequence that really plays off the chemistry of the team – and dials into what we know about each of the heroes. Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) and James Rhodes (Don Cheadle) try to lift the hammer with Iron Man assistance. Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), sipping off of a beer bottle, doesn’t need such macho competitions. And Captain America (Chris Evans) moves the hammer an inch… much to Thor’s (Chris Hemsworth) dismay.

I am DYING for all of you to see it.

The feeling of seeing footage from ANT MAN & AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON

— Gerry Duggan (@GerryDuggan) October 13, 2014

Stitch Kingdom goes on to report that the second half of the Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer is the same montage of fighting footage that also was shown in San Diego. They run through the things that were shown, and seeing as how it’s fresh in their memory, I’ll list what they recall:

– The footage is set to a haunting rendition of Got No Strings from Pinocchio, which we reported on back in July.

– We see Hulk fighting different members of the Avengers, from Iron Man to Vision. (That last part might be new, as I do not recall Vision being part of any of the footage in San Diego.)

– The trailer ends with that ominous scene of the Avengers scattered on a hill, with Iron Man looking up at – something. Noticeable in the shot is Steve Rogers’ shattered shield. We might know why that happens.

Do you know what I want to know? WHEN will Marvel let others see this footage? It has played the two major Comic-Con events now, and is ready to be shown. Avengers: Age of Ultron doesn’t NEED marketing. People know it’s coming, and it’s going to be humongous. So let the fans see it, Marvel. Let them go over it frame by frame, cherishing each morsel. Don’t hold back. Fans are ready. Give them what they want!


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